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Bridge Rectifier

(1) The most advanced Photo Glass process technology technically improves the high temperature and high pressure resistance of the wafer.
(2) Three layers of passivation protection of glass, Sipos (semi-insulating polycrystalline silicon), and LTO (low temperature oxide film), which significantly improve the chip's high temperature resistance and package yield.
(3) The low-impedance diffusion technology greatly improves the ability of the chip to resist reverse surge impact, which fully reduces the failure rate of the device, thereby improving the reliability of the component.
  • •IO=0.5A~35A ; VR=50V~1000V
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  • •IO=1.0~2.0A ; VR=50V~1000V
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  • •IO=1.0~2.0A ; VR=50V~1000V
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  • 由於 GanFET 快充的高頻特性會帶來EMI的問題,導致 GanFET 快充需要用到更多或者更大的EMI抑制器。 而Low Noise Bridge Rectifier 具備軟恢復的特性,可以大幅減少 GanFET 快充諧波振盪的發生,使得 GanFET 快充可以減少X電容、共模電感、差模電感等EMI抑制器件的使用數量或者減小使用規格,縮小快充的整體尺寸。
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